Each winter the Roosevelt PTA hosts an annual celebration of the season. Lovingly known as 'Winterfest,' this free indoor event is packed with seasonal games, crafts, snacks, and fun. This year's event will be on...
February is Readathon month and this year's fundraising event takes place February 3-28, 2025. During Readathon, students can collect pledges from friends and family to raise funds for our school. They're also encouraged to read,...
Our Little Free Library was in desperate need of repairs and has been closed since December! Thanks to the partnership between a generous Roosevelt parent, Aimee Wood, and our friends at Olympic Plumbing Supply, we'll...
Reeeedddd Robin - YUM. Ditch the kitchen on our Red Robin Fundraiser day! On February 26, 2025 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., the Cooper Point Red Robin will donate 20% of food sales to...